Have You Decided to Work on Your Emotional Health in 2019? Download 4K Videos and Practice Mindfulness

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Last Updated on February 11, 2023 by Uscenes

Peace can often be elusive in a busy world. Most of us are constantly on the go from sunrise to sunset. Whether on the way to work, balancing our morning coffee or juice in one hand and our bag in the other or cooking dinner for the kids, holding the ingredients in one hand and a cooking pot in the other, it’s fair to say that life can be all go.

So often we forget that to be at our most productive, we need to have those few moments of solace. Yet, our lives seem to forbid the opportunity for relaxation. Practicing mindfulness in a frantic world can be the key to a happier, more productive and more successful life – and if you can practice mindfulness in front of an aquarium screensaver for TV or computers, your certain to replenish your mind, body and spirit.


What is Mindfulness?

A simple, yet highly effective form of meditation, mindfulness is breathing meditation. Teaching you how to be aware of your thoughts as they surface, being mindful is all about learning how to let go of troubling emotions, enabling you to have enhanced emotional clarity and well-being. It’s all about being compassionate with yourself by truly “being” in the moment.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that when practiced over time mindfulness, not only prevents depression but, positively affects the brain patterns that directly contribute to anxiety, stress and irritability. When practiced overtime, mindfulness is acknowledged to bolster memory, creativity and even reaction times.


Mindfulness and Relaxation Videos

Routinely practicing mindfulness can reap great rewards especially to anyone who suffers from depression or anxiety disorders. How you choose to practice mindfulness is just as important as when you choose to practice mindfulness.

It’s true that environment is crucial. To get the most from any mindfulness meditative exercise, you need to find that place that promotes peace and calm. Why not download 4K videos of simple, tranquil environments, such as a cascading waterfall or shoreline? Their visual imagery will instantly transport you away from any external pressure, allowing you to easily focus on your breathing.

A Uscenes video aid can be especially helpful to those new to mindfulness, as it gives your eyes a visual focus, which takes the internal chatter of thoughts inside your head away.

How? Mindfulness alters your sensory perceptions, heightening sights, sounds, smells and tastes. When you download 4K videos as part of a mindfulness exercise, you’re giving your mind body and spirit a truly restorative experience by immersing yourself in a place of enchantment. Plus the fact that the videos are real aquariums or nature scenes helps you “be” in the moment. 

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Consistency is Key

As with any form of emotional well-being exercise, consistency is key. Just as you can forget the principles of CBT if you neglect to routinely practice positive thinking, so too can mindfulness exercise be forgotten over time.

Proponents of mindfulness acknowledge that for our minds to be completely at peace, at least 20 minutes of consistent rest is required. This is a good benchmark to stick to – and gives you plenty of opportunity to practice mindfulness during your lunch hour at work, or whilst the kids are at school. Even a few minutes will reap rewards.

For waiting rooms you van buy a public licence of our most popular relaxing aquarium video: waiting room video

But getting the most out of mindfulness meditation means routinely practicing it every day – or as often as you possibly can. Try it, you’ll notice an immediate elevation in your mood and general well-being.

It’s also openly acknowledged that UHD 4K videos, like an aquarium screensaver, can instantly calm our thoughts from a frenetic pace to one that’s relaxed and calm. Herein lies the benefit of using Uscenes videos when practicing mindfulness. You can quickly transport your mind, body and spirit to a place of peace and tranquillity enhancing mindfulness meditation and leaving you feeling calm, replenished and rejuvenated and confident in tackling any task that’s put in front of you.

So, if you’ve decided to work on your emotional health in 2019 and what’s left of 2018, practicing mindfulness whilst sitting in-front of a 4K screensaver or video could be the key to happiness, and the best year of your life!



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